Sunday 27th October 2024
An off-road course across undulating downland, using a mixture of public footpaths and bridleways plus a climb of 172 metres to Steepdown Trig point.
Venue: Lancing Manor Leisure Centre, Manor Road, Lancing. BN15 0PH (off A27 at Lancing).
Juniors (U16) 1km race - 10.30am
Seniors 8km race - 11am
Medals will be awarded for the junior event.
Spot prizes will be awarded for the senior race.
Entry fees in advance: Senior Race: £5 (WSFRL members) / £7 (non-WSFRL members) - Junior Race: £1.00
Entry fees on the day: Senior Race: £8 (WSFRL members) / £10 (non-WSFRL members) - Junior Race: £1.00
Toilets, changing and showers are available at the leisure centre plus refreshments at DRNK Coffee House.